Monday, November 23, 2009

A Time and Place for Txt Spk by Murriel Mapa

In response to the “txt spk” exercise we did in Lecture 6 on October 19th, we were asked to rewrite an article in a newspaper using just abbreviations and slang that are commonly used when text messaging on mobile phones. This exercise proved to be very difficult because there were many words that aren’t normally seen as abbreviated or converted into a slang term. For example, Brent Stempfle’s example of his article in txt spk was a time-consuming and complicated read; however, it justifies the fact that txt spk should not be used for formal pieces of writing such as newspaper articles. In today’s society, there are cell phones and BlackBerry’s everywhere, and the popular form of communication is through means of technology. However, when communicating messages to professionals such as managers or professors, it is wise to leave out the “lol” or “ttyl” for a more appropriate time.

When we read Sarah E. Needleman’s essay, “Thx for the IView! I Wud ♥ to Work 4 U!! ;)” I took into consideration of just how much I used the language of txt spk in my own life. As far as I’ve noticed, I don’t usually use any forms of slang or abbreviations even when I text-message, let alone in my work. I also know well enough not to leave such informal messages such as text-messages or emails that contain any txt spk for any future employers of mine. Needleman actually points out that some hiring managers have based their rejection of a possible employee on a thank-you note that was ridden with words such as “hiya” and thanx” accompanied with smiley-face emoticons and exclamation marks (par. 1, Neeedleman). The professional world of writing should be something that is cherished and kept sacred for the English language is a complex form of communication. Colloquial writing versus formal writing can sometimes be a complicated subject to distinguish between. An easy way to remember if informal writing is alright is if you are positive that the person you are writing to will not take offense or have difficulty reading what you wrote, if this is the case than txt spk may be used, but in most cases, correct and formal writing is the best outlet.


  1. You are extremely correct in your assessment. The professional world should be subjected to professional language, or at the very least, grammatically correct English. Your tip to see if informal writing is appropriate in a certain situation is a small reminder that could save people a lot of time and suffering. While text speak is great, it should be used with caution.

  2. I'm in total agreement. The prevalence of text speak astounds me, probably because I don't use it. Despite that, I can't wrap my brain around the idea that anyone would think such phrases are appropriate in formal situations.
